aDesign makeup brushes WOW! shoot and post production in photoshop: Before and After.

I am glad to start a first post in New Year with our recent creative shot for our good customer, a company called aDesign.  The assignment was to create an image for the front page of the company website, and should look WOW!

It was really fun to work on such project and play with the lighting. We did several different variations and I choose these two photos to show them here, at my blog:

Mouse Over to see Before and After

Post production in photoshop. Before and after.

Post production in photoshop. Before and after.

Product photography and retouching.

Product photography and retouching.

Thank you for looking. Any feedback and suggestions are very welcome!
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All the best,

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2 comments to aDesign makeup brushes WOW! shoot and post production in photoshop: Before and After.

  • Martins

    I have to say that for me it would be very interesting to see video of retouching process, especially the bristle part./


    admin Reply:

    Martins, I planed to do a video with these brushes, but had a time limit for retouching (may next time). The bristle part is simple. Draw hairlines where you need it using a very thin brush on a new layer, then blur a little bit, noise a little bit and repeat. Hope it will help.


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