Our old stock images web site starts a New Life.

Finally we updated our old stock web site. Now there will be only a water and things related to a water. No children, animals, nature or architecture – only water. Water, water everywhere….

This site has a long history.
Alex, as a programmer, crated it when we even don’t think about professional photography business, created simply because we had a huge collection of nice photos, and we wanted to leverage some money from our expensive hobby.
Even though we knew that to be successful, small stock sites should have a very narrow niche (by the subject of the photography), but that time we thought that  our photos are so exceptional (probably every amateur gets through this stage ;-)   that our photography is  going to be selling like a Christmas trees in December:-)

So, we loaded all the different collections on the www.akelphoto.com, virtually everything we had: kids, landscapes, transportation etc. But quite fast we found  that there is no way we can compete with monsters like Alamy, Getty, Corbis. Then, in few years, microstock agencies  came into a play, and we finally understood that being very dedicated to a specific subject is the only way to get at least a small piece from the stock photography pie.
So now we leave water and only water. And I believe our water photos are exceptional:-)

The site was re-designed, improved and cleaned. Welcome to www.akelphoto.com

Stock images are licensed on a Royalty-Free basis*, we provide instant download right after a secure payment will be processed.

I am sure there will be a lot of designers who would be happy to have access to our water stock collection, so please share the info.

All the best,

*Royalty-free means that you pay a one-time flat fee for an image. It can then be used for multiple projects over an unlimited period of time. Royalty-free images are licensed on a non-exclusive basis. As a result, you would typically use an RF image in a project where you are not concerned about a competitive conflict or where the image may not be the primary focus of the piece.

Related posts:

  1. Mexican food royalty free stock images
  2. Water splash and fruits royalty free stock images
  3. New stock images of Night Atlanta, GA
  4. Our twins go to school, so I am back to blogging:-)
  5. Water in still life, product and advertisement photography: Episode two (announcement)

2 comments to Our old stock images web site starts a New Life.

  • Dan

    You are right. Your water photos are exceptional. Your abstract backgrounds are tremendous also. Perhaps Alex would give a tutorial sometime on making these.

    I hope you will not be offended if I correct one something in your post. I feel that you are still learning English and won’t take offense. You said “crated” the site. It should be “created.” “Crated” would mean to put something into a box (usually wooden) known as a crate.

    Keep up the good work! Merry Christmas to you and the entire family.


    admin Reply:

    Thank you, Dan. I am glad when somebody corrects my English, I memorize new words much better in this case:-)
    Abstract backgrounds are fractals and it’s fun to do it. I used Apophysis. It’s free and easy:-) You can find many tutorials in Google.
    Merry Christmas!


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